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GRATIS-VERSAND ab € 99,- / DE / AT

GRATIS-VERSAND: DE, AT... ab 100,- € / CH ... ab 199,- / FR, BE, BG, FR, IT, HR, NL ... ab 299,- €

GRATIS-VERSAND ab € 99,- / DE / AT

Art: 2 Blatt

Our patented design and unique shape comes with a variety of bright colours - making you the centre of attention while flying.

Outstanding Speed
Our use of high quality imported PC material allows the
propeller to have high durability and be extremely light weight. By doing this, it allows your motor to have a high top speed, exceptional handling during low throttle or cornering. Guaranteeing you as the pilot, an excellent flying experience!
These kind of propellers are suitable for both racing and freestyle.

The Excellent Quality
FPV racing requires extremely high quality propellers, where even just a slight difference of the propellers' features or quality could affect the eventual result of the competition. We pay strict attention to the details of our props in order to ensure high quality, while striving to bring consumers both a high class of service and product.

Produktnummer: 9749700
Herstellernummer: AZ50500210

4,99 €*

Vorbestellung möglich. Nicht lagernd. Keine Lagerware. Verfügbar nur bei Bestellung in ca. 7 bis 21 Werktage.

Art: 2 Blatt

Our patented design and unique shape comes with a variety of bright colours - making you the centre of attention while flying.

Outstanding Speed
Our use of high quality imported PC material allows the
propeller to have high durability and be extremely light weight. By doing this, it allows your motor to have a high top speed, exceptional handling during low throttle or cornering. Guaranteeing you as the pilot, an excellent flying experience!
These kind of propellers are suitable for both racing and freestyle.

The Excellent Quality
FPV racing requires extremely high quality propellers, where even just a slight difference of the propellers' features or quality could affect the eventual result of the competition. We pay strict attention to the details of our props in order to ensure high quality, while striving to bring consumers both a high class of service and product.