The company Modellbau Lindinger GmbH is responsible for the virtual online shop "".
Industriestraße 10
4565 Inzersdorf im Kremstal
Tel: +49 (0) 89 / 215 466 470<
Company register: FN428459m Handels und Kreisgericht Steyr
Member of the WKO, Retail
Eori No. ATEOS1000066168
Place of fulfillment: Inzersdorf
Place of jurisdiction: Handels- und Kreisgericht Steyr
Regulatory authority: District court of Kirchdorf on the Krems
Statutory provisions: Trade regulations (
Voluntary conduct guidelines:
Trade: Retail
Chief Executive Officer: Fritz Lindinger
Address, Postal Code, City: see address above
Business object: RC hobby product and accessory - retail
Bank information: VKB Bank Kirchdorf Kto.: 16503179, BLZ: 18600; IBAN: AT201860000016503179, BIC: VKBLAT2L
SPK Passau Account.: 8599, BLZ: 74050000; IBAN: DE97740500000000008599, BIC: BYLADEM1PAS